What cream should I use for a painful pimple on the aureole of the breast?

31-year-old woman5 years ago
I have a large pimple on the lip of my right breast. I have been using polisporin for two days and it has not improved. It is painful
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12 hours

Genevieve Duperron · 5 years ago
It will be important to make sure that this pimple does not continue to grow considering your pain. If it gets bigger or if you have a fever, you may have to receive antibiotics by mouth. I suggest that you prepare a Dakin solution of 4 cups of water boiled with 1 cup of Parisian bleach. You could soak a sterile gauze in this solution and apply the gauze compress locally for 15 minutes up to 4 times a day. After the compresses, considering that the Polysporin is ineffective, I would put another antibiotic ointment - you can go to the pharmacy. Tomorrow, Saturday, June 1, our nurse should be at the pharmacy and be able to assess everything: you could call for an appointment. She could do an assessment and treatment plan for you

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