Baby has been taking pro-amox-250 for an ear infection (7ml morning and night) since Tuesday. Since then, his stools are liquid. Should I be worried?

31-year-old woman5 years ago
7 month old baby Stools at least 3-4x/day She also had a 6 month old vaccine on Tuesday. Please note that I give her the syrup with plain yogurt otherwise she doesn't take it. Thank you
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17 hours

David Tan · 5 years ago
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are very common side effects with antibiotics, including amoxicillin. If you give the antibiotic with food, it helps reduce the risk of diarrhea occurring.
Diarrhea occurs because of an imbalance in the intestinal flora, which are essentially "good" bacteria responsible for regulating the functioning of our gut. By taking an antibiotic, it destroys all the bacteria, including the "good" bacteria, which then affects the functioning of the intestine and causes diarrhea. For this purpose, you can supplement with a product such as BIOGAIA, probiotic drops that are intended for infants and that help to rebuild the intestinal flora. The effect of probiotics is not immediate, but helps in the medium and long term.
Also make sure you hydrate your child well with a rehydration solution... With diarrhea, your child loses fluids and then becomes at risk for dehydration.
The diarrhea should stop once the antibiotic is over. However, reconsult your doctor if your child ever has any of the following signs:
  • High fever
  • Blood in the stool
  • Frequency of more than 7-10 bowel movements per day
  • Signs of dehydration (dry mouth, crying without tears, collapsed fontanel in the case of a baby, very dark urine, hollow eyes).
I hope this answers your question and puts your mind at ease... If there is anything else, please feel free to contact me.
David Tan, pharmacist

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