My 7 month old baby started antibiotics yesterday for an ear infection and today he hardly drinks and has no breakfast, is this normal?

34-year-old woman5 years ago
He takes amoxicillin
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15 hours

Genevieve Duperron · 5 years ago
It happens indeed when we are sick that we are less hungry. As long as he drinks a little and wets his diapers, we don't worry, we don't want him to get dehydrated, which is more likely if he has a fever. It is very frequent
34-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Ok thanks for your answer!
Genevieve Duperron · 5 years ago
Genevieve Duperron · 5 years ago
Has baby's general condition improved in the last 3 days? Is he still hydrating well?
34-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Yes he has started to drink well again but his meals are still a bit more difficult than before... however his general condition and mood are going number 1. Thank you!!!
Genevieve Duperron · 5 years ago
It's a pleasure.

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