Would there be other molecules to try (I don't want to fall into the Ativan and other benzo...)? Would you have any tips for imovane withdrawal? 😞

35 -year-old man3 years ago
Hello. I am 33 years old. I have had chronic insomnia problems since I was a teenager. I have been working nights for 11 years now, and for the last 6 years I have had to take sleep medication such as Imovane. At first, for the first two years, I had to take it only when I was working nights. For the last 3 years I have had to take it all the time. Now, in the last one, I sometimes have to cut my compressions in two to sleep a complete night, that is to say half a compressions when I go to bed and half a compressions when I wake up during the night because it is impossible to fall back asleep otherwise. I have tried other molecules like Desyrel and Seroquel to which I am very intolerant. I have also tried in the past natural medicine such as Melatonin and Mg capsules but without real success. I can see that I am heading towards an addiction to Imovane, but I see no way out. Do you have any tips?
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7 hours

Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
You seem to have already tried several molecules. Desyrel and Seroquel are excellent choices to replace Imovane or to avoid taking a benzodiazepine. It is unfortunate that you are intolerant to these medications, as they could have been good choices. There are still a few choices available that are not benzos, you can be reassured.
Addiction to Imovane can set in after a few months of regular use. If it does, it's already there. Before suggesting a solution adapted to your situation, I need some clarification
Have you ever noticed if a particular cause could be at the origin of your insomnia?
Are you anxious? Are you taking medication for anxiety?
How is your energy level during the day?
Are you functional enough to go about your daily activities?
35 -year-old man · 3 years ago
No particular anxiety. I'm not the stressed-out type. As far as I can remember I have always had insomnia. Sleep does not come quickly, it can often take several hours before I fall asleep. I also wake up several times a night (about every hour or two)..
however, I have an energy level that is generally quite high. No difficulty doing my daily activities, except sometimes during a major bout of insomnia where a nap during the day may be necessary. But in general, it is fine
desyrel makes me dizzy, lightheaded and xerostomic ++++. For Seroquel, I am on the floor for about 12 hours after taking the medication
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
Some choices that might be interesting in your situation are amitriptiline (or doxepin), mirtazapine or Nozinan. Amitriptiline or doxepin, formerly used as antidepressants, are now widely used for the treatment of chronic pain, migraines or insomnia. They can cause xerostomia as well, but may be better tolerated than Desyrel
Mirtazapine, while an interesting choice, would not be my first choice. While it is very effective at inducing sleep, it is also an antidepressant that can cause a lot of weight gain because it increases appetite
Nozinan is used to treat refractory insomnia. It is much less commonly prescribed for these types of conditions, but may be indicated when no other treatment works
In summary, you may want to ask your doctor for amitriptiline or doxepin. If it is ineffective or poorly tolerated, you could try mirtazapine. If it's still ineffective or poorly tolerated, Nozinan would be the preferred choice
Those would be the 4 choices I would see for your situation
35 -year-old man · 3 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to answer me!

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