I stopped taking the pill at the beginning of April and since then I have had a lot of acne and it is very difficult for me. Is there an over the counter medication for me?

32-year-old woman5 years ago
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3 hours

Jean-Samuel Poisson · 5 years ago
the contraceptive pill can have a beneficial effect on acne. Otherwise, there are over-the-counter creams that can help. The most effective over-the-counter ingredient is benzoyl peroxide. It can be found in many creams, such as Benzagel or Persa-Gel-5 from Clean&Clear, which we carry at Familiprix Wickham. I usually recommend applying it once a day at bedtime, in a thin layer, then leaving it on overnight and washing your face the next morning with a gentle cleanser like SpectroJel. It is usually recommended to apply it on the whole area where you usually have pimples, so not only on the actual pimples but on the whole surface that can be affected by your acne. It can be applied as a preventive measure, because after 2 to 6 weeks you can have an additional effectiveness. You have to be careful because this product can discolor the tissues. It can sometimes dry out the skin a little. If this is the case, you can apply a moisturizing cream during the day or apply the acne cream every other day if it is too intense
Otherwise, avoid friction as much as possible, as it encourages acne, and do not wash your face more than twice a day. Favour unscented, non-coloured, oil-free and non-comedogenic facial products, i.e. those that do not clog the pores and encourage acne (e.g. make-up, sun cream, moisturizers, etc.)
Does this answer your question?
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Dr. Jean-Samuel Poisson, pharmacist
Familiprix Wickham
32-year-old woman · 5 years ago
It answers very well, thank you!

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