Hello . I have a swollen right eyelid arcana and pinching in my head on the right side. My neck is also cracking. What should I do?

61-year-old woman5 years ago
Nothing I know of, but the symptoms I feel are all on the right side of my head and on the top and back of my head like a pressure that comes and goes. And I also have like pinching. I had a small car accident in 2013, breaking my door window with my head in the accident. I was on a stop sign and the girl didn't see hers.
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2 days

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
Unfortunately, as a pharmacist I am not qualified to make a diagnosis. That is reserved for physicians. Therefore, I encourage you to see a physician promptly to discuss your symptoms.
The pressure you describe prompts me to recommend that you see a doctor quickly. This may be due to the accident you describe, but we will only be certain after a doctor has properly examined you.
Sorry I can't be more helpful to you at this time.
Tell me,

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