What can I do to improve my persistent diarrhea?

28-year-old woman3 years ago
I have been "throwing down" everything I eat within 30 minutes for over 6 months... I tried to see if a change in diet or habit could have caused this but other than drinking more water than a year ago, I can't find anything. I was wondering if there is a vitamin or something that can be found in a pharmacy that could help me? Thanks in advance!
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14 hours

Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
In order to answer your question, I need to validate some information.
How many bowel movements do you have per day?
Do you have abdominal cramps or pain?
What color are your stools?
Is there any blood in it?
28-year-old woman · 3 years ago
3 times a day on average.
If I go as soon as I feel like it, I don't have a stomach ache but if I wait I do.
They are of all possible colors... and very soft or liquid.
No blood.
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
I think you should see a doctor. It's not something urgent. On the other hand, 3 liquid stools a day for 6 months, that requires an investigation in a non-urgent way though. It's also the colors that bother me. It's a sign to go see a doctor. The fact that there is no blood is still positive
The abdominal pain/cramps may be a sign of some kind of inflammation of the intestine, but only an examination could determine that
In short, my recommendation is to ask to see a doctor so that your situation can be evaluated
I hope that I have been able to help you a little bit anyway
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte, pharmacist
28-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you very much!
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
It's a pleasure!

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