What are the alternatives I can take to relieve my headaches while pregnant?

39-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I am 17 weeks pregnant and I have been suffering from constant headaches for several days to a week... I take tylenol but it does not seem to relieve me at all. My headaches seem to be tension headaches and not migraines because they are generalized all over my head.
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29 minutes

Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
Hello, if acetaminophen does not provide relief, you should refer the problem to your doctor. Over-the-counter options are slim. Anti-inflammatory drugs are not indicated unless medically indicated. I encourage you to keep a headache calendar: https://migrainequebec.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/calendriers_calendrier_calgary_francais.pdf

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