Should I go for a consultation or just follow this closely? After how long should I go for a consultation if ever? I don't know what to do Thank you

30-year-old woman3 years ago
My daughter is 6 months old, She has a runny nose (liquid and clear) She doesn't have a fever but she sneezes and coughs a little... she seems very tired but hardly sleeps since her nose seems to bother her a lot. This has only been going on since Friday but I wonder if I should go and see a doctor? This is her first virus in her life
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8 hours

Mac-Pherson Anacréon · 3 years ago
There is no need to consult a doctor. Your baby seems to have a cold like everyone gets from time to time.
Since a baby breathes almost exclusively through his nose and is congested, he can't sleep properly, which makes him tired all the time.
A baby doesn't know how to blow his nose yet, so you need to help him clear the secretions from his airways. You can use baby salinex to clear the secretions and a bulb to suck up the secretions a few minutes later.
You can do this several times a day if necessary and also before bedtime so that he has a better night.
Good luck :)

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